Javier Revert Viticultor

Javier Revert Viticultor

Javier Revert is a viticultor who is working to put the wines of southeastern Spain on the map.  Javier is part of a vanguard of Spanish pioneers who believe that Mediterranean wine is the new wave, working with indigenous grapes and vineyard restoration in areas with great potential and terruños. 

After studying viticulture in Valencia, Javi worked at Celler del Roure before returning to his home town of La Font de La Figuera (inland between Valencia and Murcia) where has family has farmed for generations.  Initially working with plots planted by his great grandfather, Javi has been revitalizing and replanting north-facing, high altitude (800m) vineyards on steep, mountain terraces with grapes such as Bonicaire, Tortosí, Trepadell, Malvasía, Merseguera, Verdil, Monastrell and Arcos.  These vines thrive in the Mediterranean climate amidst the herbs, olive and almond trees.

By understanding the land, making soil-based decisions, and practicing traditional viticulture, Javier’s wines have been exceeding expectations and reaching new heights, changing preconceived notions of winemaking in Mediterranean Spain.

In addition to his own garagista wines, Javier also works in collaborative projects with Finca Sandoval and La Comarcal.

The wines are defined by their purity, vibrancy and distinctive expression of each vineyard and vintage.

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